We are an inclusive research community from a range of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines who support and facilitate student learning and participate in the scholarship of teaching and learning in Engineering Education.

We bring together expertise in engineering education research being carried out within our different departments. We support each other with core research processes such as gaining human ethics approval for our studies, applying for funding, preparing publications, and building visibility internationally.

Creativity and collaborative experimentation are hallmarks of design, development and evaluation in engineering education research. We understand the value of collaborations, rigourous educational research methods, and safe spaces to investigate learning and teaching in the faculty. We have state of the art teaching spaces that can support teaching innovation, and the testing of new curriculum elements and variables in the learning and teaching process.

Improving the quality of our teaching requires theoretical and practical pedagogical knowledge in STEM subjects. The Centre supports our teaching staff with research-informed pedagogical practice.